Styku 3D Body Scan DISCONTINUED d/t Styku’s Extreme Cost Increase

Styku 3D Body Scan

Perform a 3D body scan in seconds using just a simple turntable and 3D camera. In only 35 seconds, we extract millions of measurements with 2mm accuracy and reconstruct your body in 3D. Your first test will become the baseline for all other tests in the future. You will see and know changes in your body over months and years, and decades

No More Guessing about Weight Loss

Body Composition


Styku provides DEXA-quality body composition with medical grade accuracy* and consistency at an affordable price and in a non-invasive experience. It’s called Styku Phoenix. Using the latest AI technology, Phoenix can predict your fat mass, bone mass, lean muscle mass, visceral fat, and more.

Bone, Fat, Muscle Mass and More...

Each component of your body tells a different story about your lifestyle and the journey to a better you. Styku Phoenix is the only commercial solution of its kind to measure all three major components. Phoenix provides insight on how your fitness and nutritional programs are impacting bone health, lean muscle growth, and fat loss.

Regional Fat Mass

Most devices only predict total fat mass. We show you the type of fat located on your body and where.


Styku Phoenix tracks how most dangerous fat, fat between your organs (visceral fat) and fat your midsection (Gynoid and Andriod Fat), is changing over time.


Finally, a precise way to validate your body slimming procedures are working.

Medical spas and clinics across the country are replacing their tape measure and 2D photography methods with Styku’s 3D body scanning technology.

How reliable are Styku’s measurements?

When measuring changes in people’s bodies over time, its incredibly important to have a tool that’s repeatable or in other words, consistent. A study at the University of North Dakota found Styku’s reliability was “nearly perfect” for Styku circumferences, surface areas and volumes.

Test-retest within session reliability nearly perfect (R2=0.98).

Between session reliability nearly perfect (R2=0.99)

Before & After in Full 3D

2D photos are often misleading. Lighting and coloring differences can mask real change. 3D scans are objective, require no special lighting, and clearly illustrate the results of the procedure.

How accurate is Styku's 3D Body Scanner? 

We get asked repeatedly about how valid our measurements are in comparison to older more established methods, like a tape measure or a DEXA scanner. A study led by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at LSU found excellent correlations to both, while also showing Styku outperformed competitive systems in all areas. 

Circumferences significantly correlated (e.g. R2=0.96 for hip) with a manual tape measure. 

Volumes are significantly correlated (e.g. R2=0.98 for the Trunk) with a DEXA and correlated (e.g. R2=0.99 for Total Volume) with Air-displacement plethysmography (ADP)

Styku outperformed both Fit3D’s ProScanner and TC2’s KX-16 in correlation strengths.

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